Friday, March 18, 2016

Slipping, Tripping, and Down She Goes

Well, I've done it again. I slipped and fell and hit my head while alone. If this is not something that any of you deal with then you may not understand just how scary this type of event can be. Let's back track just a little bit.

I slip, trip, and fall several times a week (and sometimes a day); frequently hitting my head or falling in such a way that is hard for me to get up. I have gone to urgent care at least once for this and have consulted a doctor on more than one occasion. This is one of the greatest reasons I got Skylar and am training her to be a service dog. So far, not one doctor seems to think this is unusual or of any concern. Personally, I don't know of any 20 year old that experiences this on such a regular basis, and therefore find this slightly unsettling.

This particular time, a couple nights ago, I slipped and fell in the shower, hitting my head and not loosing consciousness or memory. (Thank God). I have no family nearby and my closest friends are at least a 20 minute drive away. Now, in a true emergency I do have a couple of people in my area that I can call (especially at almost midnight) and of course I can call 911. However, my options are limited. I have lost consciousness and memory at other times when I have fallen. Calling acquaintances can be a nuisance and calling 911 can be expensive. Once again, my options are limited.

Thankfully I have my little Skylar. I have been training her in basic obedience, however intend to train her as my service dog as she is older. She comes with me just about anywhere in the house I go already and travels with me to as many places as she can at this time. So, she comes into the bathroom with me whenever I take a shower, even at just 12 weeks old. This is the first time I have fallen in the shower since getting her and I was glad as to her reaction. As soon as I went down, she began barking at me and trying to reach me through the shower curtain. She didn't let up until I talked to her and opened the curtain so that she could reach me.

I quickly finished and got out, where she remained uneasy waiting for me. She was clearly not leaving my side until I was safe in her eyes. Even at just 12 weeks she responds in a way that demands my own, and in a case where others may be nearby, the attention of passerby's. I am so pleased to have gotten her and to have her here to look after me.

So far, I feel that I am able to have more confidence in my living situation and look forward to having the ability to go out without fear when she is old enough to accompany me.

The last of the snow here...we are looking forward to some warmer weather!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

And so the Journey Begins...

Hello all,

Since the doctor's refusal to see me several weeks ago, I have had a lot going on. I have begun the search once again to find a doctor that listens and respects the fact that I do know how my own body feels and that there is such a thing as documentation without medication. Anyways, you've heard my rant before.

Some of you may know, I have had it on my mind to get a service dog for some time now. I feel that a service dog would be incredibly helpful in my day to day life with Fibromyalgia as an independent person. In addition to providing me support when I am unstable, helping me up when I fall, and acting as a weight to relieve my joints; the known effects of a dog to the psyche, especially in cases of anxiety and depression, both common in Fibro, and both which I suffer from, are enormous.

So, without further ado, meet Skylar!

Skylar is a 10 week old Border Collie Mix. She is adventurous, bold, and unafraid of new things. She is also wildly affectionate and loves attention. 

Being a dog trainer means I can train her myself, giving us even more opportunities to grow together as a team. She seems the perfect fit for me (even though her puppy attitude can be quite frustrating at times). I am looking forward to the many adventures we will have together.